Friday, March 16, 2012

Trying to play fast is not the solution. When you playing first you do that with your mind and after with your fingers. It's better to play 1000 times until you made it than the rest of your life


  1. I agree. I have found you can save a lot of time in practice by taking small sections, really slowly. This way you engage the brain first and you are not just relying on muscle memory or "playing by rote". Once you really know the score, then you can repeat and put it in your fingers. But really understanding the music first is key. :)

  2. Measure by measure if it have to!!!

  3. I also practice in my head when I am away from my piano. I try to visualize the score and sing the melody. I also move my fingers. People look at me strangely when I'm in public, but it helps me get absorbed in the piece! ;)

  4. that we call it in greece brain playing..i reakky dont know if thiw word even excist but its something like you said Zita.trying to find out all the positions of your fingerw without your instrument

  5. I just never thought of calling it that. :) I practice in my sleep too! :)
